Hotel Casting Solutions Security and Privacy Features

man on computer monitoring hotel cast solutions

In the guest-centric hospitality industry, there is an increasing demand for innovative solutions that enhance guest experiences while prioritizing guest security and privacy. Hotel casting solutions meet this demand by offering a luxurious entertainment experience for guests that prioritizes security and privacy. Cast solutions like OnlyCast utilize Google Chromecast or similar casting devices in hotels to provide a user friendly casting solution tailored specifically for hospitality.

개인정보 중심 설계

security features of hotel casting solutions
OnlyCast는 매일 오후 1시에 게스트 자격 증명을 자동으로 로그아웃하여 안전하게 보호합니다.

Hotel casting solutions like OnlyCast employ state-of-the-art automatic protocols to safeguard sensitive information throughout the casting process. From the moment guests connect their devices and cast to the hotel TV, OnlyCast ensures that their credentials remain confidential. Many casting solutions also automatically log out guests from the casting session daily at 1:00pm to ensure that no information is left on the TV for the next guest. This means all the credentials saved on any apps on the TV are cleared and not stored. By using a casting solution for hotels, guests no longer have to login directly to the hotel TV where their usernames and passwords will be saved and seen by future guests. 

손님 동의 메커니즘

secure casting of hotel casting solutions
손님은 호텔 캐스팅 솔루션을 사용할지 여부를 결정합니다.

To enhance transparency, OnlyCast incorporates clear and user-friendly consent mechanisms. Guests are informed about the hotel casting solution, and are given the choice to opt in or out. Additionally, guests have the option to sign out of all apps on the TV at any time with a simple press of a button. This gives guests extra piece of mind that their logins remain secure. Guests are prompted to join the hotel Wi-Fi, then scan the unique QR code on their phone to begin their casting session. This leaves the decision to cast or sign in to any apps ultimately up to the guests. 

안전한 호텔 캐스팅 솔루션

secure management interface
저희 클라우드 대시보드를 통해 관리자는 전 세계 어디에서나 Chromecast를 원격으로 제어하고 모니터링할 수 있습니다.

Hotel casting solutions incorporate robust security measures to protect hotel networks and guests from potential vulnerabilities. Casting solutions for hospitality are fortified against unauthorized access, ensuring that only authenticated devices can connect to hotel TVs. This prevents guests from seeing and casting to any TV on the network. A hotel without a hotel casting solution poses a great risk to guest privacy. In addition, a cloud-based back-office interface, like the once OnlyCast provides, allows managers to monitor and control their Chromecasts from anywhere in the world. Managers can force a log out of a room’s TVs, monitor the status of Chromecast devices, and more. 

사이버 위협에 대한 방어

hotel casting solutions defend against cyber threats and identity theft
OnlyCast는 정기적으로 업데이트되고 모니터링되어 안전하고 원활한 캐스팅을 보장합니다.

Cyber threats are a constant concern for hotels and their guests. This is another reason why hotel casting solution are important to defend against potential vulnerabilities. Casting solutions for hotels simultaneously protect guests’ private information along with hotel TVs from unauthorized access. Guests cannot change any settings on the casting devices, add apps, or even access the casting network. This protects hotels and guests from potential threats. Additionally, the isolation of the casting devices at the network level prevents guests from seeing and casting to TVs in other rooms. The casting solution only allows casting once the guest has scanned the QR code.

호텔리티 표준 초과

hotel receptionist welcoming guest
호텔리어와 손님의 보안 요구를 이해합니다.

Hotel casting solutions are crafted with a profound understanding of the distinct security and privacy demands within the hospitality sector. A reputable casting solution is one that is compatible with hundreds of network providers, and caters to a wide range of establishments, including 4 and 5-star hotels, small bed and breakfasts, hospitals and healthcare facilities, and more. Casting solutions for hospitality can be easily customized to meet your property’s specific needs, wherever you are in the world.

Chromecast 호텔 캐스팅 솔루션

chromecast model diagram starting gen1 to Google TV
구글 크롬캐스트 제1 세대 - 구글 TV.

Most solutions, including OnlyCast, leverage the power of Google’s casting technology while maintaining a focus on security. The integration with Chromecast for the hospitality industry is seamless. Chromecast’s intuitive interface provides guests with a familiar and user-friendly casting experience while upholding the high security standards expected in hospitality. 

전문 지원 보장

tech support for hotel casting solutions
저희 IT 전문가 팀이 준비되어 있습니다.

As with any technology solution, there is the expectation of responsive and helpful support. Technical support gives hoteliers the peace of mind knowing that help is always available to address any unforeseen complication. Hotel casting solutions require a team of people with extensive expertise in hotel network and casting systems. Solution providers need to collaborating with your internet service provider to ensure pervasive high-speed internet coverage throughout your property.  A casting provider should also prioritize guest satisfaction. At OnlyCast, customer satisfaction and security is paramount. Our inclusive IT support framework ensures a continuous feedback loop, enabling us to continually refine and enhance our solution. 


check in at hotel, receptionist handing room key
OnlyCast의 호텔 캐스팅 솔루션을 통해 손님 만족도와 개인 정보 보호를 최적화하세요.

호스피탈리티 산업이 디지털 혁명을 지속적으로 수용함에 따라 OnlyCast와 같은 호텔 캐스팅 솔루션은 최첨단 기술, 고객 만족도 및 고객과 호텔 데이터를 보호하는 완벽한 시너지를 달성할 수 있음을 증명합니다. OnlyCast를 통해 호텔은 프라이버시와 보안이 타협할 수 없는 우선 사항인 객실 내 엔터테인먼트의 미래로 자신 있게 나아갈 수 있습니다.

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