Best Casting Solution for Hospitality: Chromecast vs. Apple TV?

The Best Casting Solution for Hospitality: Chromecast vs Apple TV For hoteliers, staying ahead in the realm of in-room entertainment is pivotal for providing an unparalleled guest experience. With a plethora of streaming and casting solutions for hotels available, hoteliers are faced with the challenge of choosing the best casting...

OnlyCast 2.0: 次世代のホスピタリティキャスティングソリューション

OnlyCast 2.0: The Next Gen Hospitality Casting Solution OnlyCast's Most Monumental Update! We're excited to announce a groundbreaking update to OnlyCast, our cutting-edge solution enabling TV casting for hotels. Now, with enhanced compatibility, OnlyCast seamlessly integrates with Chromecast with Google TV, delivering an unparalleled hotel casting experience for guests seeking...

ホスピタリティ キャスティング ソリューション 対 ケーブル テレビ - オンリーキャスト

Hospitality Casting Solutions vs. Cable TV With the increasing popularity of hospitality casting solutions, hoteliers are beginning to question whether they still need cable TV. In this post we’ll explore why eliminating cable TV entirely from a hotel’s offerings is not wise, reasons to maintain a balance between cable and...
